Minister Luetta Walker
​Min. Luetta Walker is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel. She serves as Executive Pastor with her husband of over 40 years. She is a spirit filled woman of Word and prayer on mission for God. She takes every opportunity to spread God's Word using one of her favorite scriptures as her foundation, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life." John 3:16
Minister Walker started an outreach program in 2005 named "IMPACT", Impacting Millennium People According to Christ's Teaching. The mission of IMPACT is to reach the lost through the living and active Word of God and provide instruction, enlightenment, and encouragement that will build Godly character, instill hope and augment, foster, and cultivate Godly living and success in every area of life. This program has reached out to children between the ages of 4-18 in Sunnyside, Hiram Clarke, and Navasota, TX. This program reaches 50 children in Navasota and over 50 in Houston. ​​​